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Annual Rates

The annual rates for the Ogunquit Sewer District is available for download here

Ogunquit Sewer District

2023 Sewer Rates


The Board of Trustees, along with staff, worked diligently this year on the district’s budget and announced that there will be a 4% rate increase.  The following is the rate schedule for 2023:


Sewer bills are calculated using prior years’ water consumption (provided to the District by KKWWD).  If water readings from the water district are unavailable or inaccurate for whatever reason, the district will estimate the usage for billing purposes, using a 3-year average.  Customers are billed once a year, in February.


Debt Retirement Charge (Fixed User Charge):  Represents the expenses which are “fixed” to the district; incurred regardless of flow (i.e., bond payments, percent of electricity, insurances, etc.)


          $172.00 for net water usage  UNDER  5,000 cf

          $172.00 for net water usage  5001 - 10,000 cf, base unit of 5,000 cubic ft

          $198.00 for net water usage  OVER 10,000 cf, base unit of 5,000 cubic ft


Examples of how to calculate the Debt Retirement Charge (after deducting private meter usage):

          Usage of   1,250 cf (under 5,000)  :                                                                                           =  $172.00

          Usage of   8,450 cf (5,000-9,999) :     8,450 ÷  5,000 cf (base) x $172.00 (rate) =  $290.68

          Usage of 12,750 cf (10,000 + )         :   12,750 ÷  5,000 cf (base) x $198.00 (rate) =  $504.90


Operating & Maintenance (O&M):   Represents the variable costs to the district to operate and maintain the sewer systems.


          $0.054 per cubic feet of net water usage (calculated after deducting private meter usage)


Treatment Plant Relocation Fund: Funds that are set aside in a separate account to prepare for the potential relocation of the Treatment Facility. No rate increase.


          10% of total bill (calculated on Debt Retirement and O&M charges only)


Commercial Kitchen Waste Surcharge:  Restaurant surcharge for stronger waste discharge. No rate increase.


          $0.015 per cf of net water usage for commercial kitchen waste water usage (this appears on the bill as $0.00 if it does not apply 

          to  you).



Minimum Sewer Bills:  Accounts with 0 - 24 cf of usage will be billed a base minimum of $189.20.

                                        Accounts with usage of 25 – 2,500 cf will be billed for 2,500 cf, $337.70.


Well Water:  All accounts on well water that is not metered will be billed for 5,000 cf .


Readiness to Serve (RTS):  All properties with a structure that has access to public sewer, but are not connected, shall pay a fixed user charge of $172.00 plus the Treatment Plant Relocation Surcharge, even if not connected to the sewer line.  For 2023, this bill is $189.20.

© 2019 by Ogunquit Sewer District       24 Hr Emergency Contact (207) 641-5508


Office Hours:  8:00am-2:00pm    Office Phone:  (207) 646-2028       

Plant Hours:   7:00am-3:00pm    Plant Phone:   (207) 646-3271                      

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